Similar Projects

Several similar projects have been made throughout the years doing the same thing as PlexRipper does. Especially Saverr was a great inspiration and showed the methods PlexRipper also uses.


Plex downloader written in Powershell

Powershell script with a front-end GUI to download media from Plex Servers. Allows you to search and save movies, tv shows, and music for offline/personal use.


Plex Downloader/Streamer written in C#

PlexDL uses a Plex Media Server's ability to serve XML API requests, and from the data returned, PlexDL gathers information and displays it in various gridviews to make it easier for you to enjoy your content. It supports the following and more:

  • Viewing Metadata about any media type currently supported. To do this, just head over to Content->Metadata on the main toolbar.
  • Streaming your media. PlexDL utilises a really cool media library known as PVS.MediaPlayer. It allows playback of supported files via the Windows Media Foundation (WMF), and the best part? It's possible to create a custom GUI and skin it how you want. That's what we've done for you in PlexDL, but if you're not wanting to use PVS, you can use VLC or your default browser.
  • Downloading your media. PlexDL is named like this for a reason! We've created a specialised framework to allow authorised Plex downloads. Even if you're not a server owner, you can still download if you have an account or an account token.
  • Exporting media profiles. You can export a .pmxml file which will store information about your content. At any time (and given your token is still valid), you can import this back into the Content->Metadata window and stream it without even logging in!


Plex downloader written in Python

PlexMedia-Downloader is a python script that you pass it your username, password, url to the media you have access to, and it will download it to your local machine.